Lord Echo

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Lord Echo is the God of Leading Astray (also known as; The Magic Rabbit, Du Hexen Hase, The White Rabbit, etc). He is a powerful, ancient often malevolent Fae outcast and anarchist who has found a place as leader of one of the Four Houses of The Endless City (known as "The Order of Echo" - a play on intent as Echo is as close to an embodiment of pure chaos as there ever has been) since the creation of the city and The Grand Empire of Concordia established dominion in the Era of Concordia. Echo fought for The Treaty during The War of The Dreaming (he was personally sent for by the Emperor and retrieved, in part, from The Far Umbra by Indigo herself) and was personally responsible for many victories against The Nothing where other Fae Lords and Ladies failed and died. Despite his chaotic and anarchistic leanings, Echo is a loyalist and a true believer in The God-Emperor. That said, Echo is motivated only by mischief, he is an unpredictable and extremely dangerous entity.



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