The Forest City of Lorean

From Explore the Endless Chronicles
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The Forest City of Lorean was a large city before and during The War in the Dreaming. It was a staging area for The Treaty throughout the war until it's complete destruction by The Nothing. It was considered to be "new home" by many Fae. A huge number of recently awakened Fae, as well as a large number of older Fae died when the city fell subsequently it is remembered as one of the most terrible moments of the war. The Raven, The Fox, Lord Echo, The Horse, Ziidi, Starlight, Paper Tiger and The Time Dogs were all present at the battle - and were forced to retreat due to the overwhelming onslaught of Shadow Dragons commanded by The Nothing. It is a bitter memory for all who will speak of it - perhaps the single worst loss to The Nothing ever experienced in a single event.



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