The Troll Spear

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'The Troll Spear', 'The Spear Of Destiny', or simply 'The Spear' is an ancient and "Lost" magical weapon from [The Age of Magic]. The weapon has not been seen, or in use since before [[[The War in the Dreaming]]] and was not put into action during that conflict. Many rumors about the location of this weapon circulate due to its legendary status. The current consensus in this hearsay is that The Spear is buried somewhere on Earth Realm. The weapon is highly sought after by treasure hunters, warriors, and revolutionaries primarily because it is purported to have some power, influence, or destructive capabilities against the Emperor (and more or less anyone and everyone else as well).


"There is a light in the darkness

forged by hands of Fae

Long before the nighttime

Long before the day

The holder of The Spear

will illuminate the way

The destiny of Empyrean

could be ended on their say"

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