Earth Realm

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The Earth Realm is the realm where you are reading this. It is the realm where most Humans live and die.

There are many other Realms, which share characteristics with one another but also have unique qualities. The reason they are grouped (see The Otherplace) and Earth Realm is not, is because the rules of Magic differ significantly in Earth Realm when compared with the common rules of Magic in most if not all other realms. There are many speculated reasons for this, but no real definitive answer to the question "Why is Earth Realm different?" has ever been reached.


One man once described The Earth Realm as "mostly harmless". This is accurate, however The Fae would append "... and totally misguided at this point." to that statement and that too would be entirely accurate. Blissfully unaware of how close it came to destruction in around 2013 the Earth Realm trundles on in a bizarre situation in which the vast majority of its denizens are utterly miserable - it has been this way since the event the Fae call The Gift Given and this injustice is one they are sure to endeavor to correct now that The Return is underway.

The population of mostly Humans are largely unaware of anything to do with The Otherplace and go about their dull lives in such a fashion as to depress one another and form a covenant of self-subjugation. There are however some Sensitives who have developed a relationship with other forms of the creature and with The Otherplace. There are no official numbers for obvious reasons but broadly it breaks down as follows. In [The Earth Realm]] 1/5000 Human babies are born with the ability to become a Sensitive (through training, trauma, experience, luck, or combination of any of these). Of those 1 in 5000 most will not "make it"; they will hide from their abilities. Very few will accept and nurture them to any semblance of usefulness. Still, the potential is there were the construct of Human society alter to accommodate and not alienate such abilities. For comparison around 1/10000 creatures in The Earth Realm have Fae Blood (they usually never even know unless subjected to The Right To Be). Around 1 of 100000 of those with Fae Blood are "true Fae" - that is to say "awake and active" as Fae and 1 in 10000 of those Fae are members of The Aristocracy and a select few of those are Fae Kings and Queens. At the top sit the High Kings and Queens who rule on The High Council. Many "true Fae" are The Joined Fae often referred to a "Changelings" and they are multi-dimensional beings capable of existing in The Earth Realm and in The Near Umbra and even The Far Umbra at the same time - the higher up the hierarchy a Fae is, the easier multidimensional living becomes. As the numbers illustrate, Fae themselves in any form are rare, ranking Fae even more so by a huge degree, and High Kings and Queens are almost never seen in The Earth Realm. When they are, the Humans had better look busy.

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