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The Earth Realm is the realm where you are reading this. It is the realm where most [[Humans]] live and die.
The Earth Realm is the realm where you are reading this. It is the realm where most [[Humans]] live and die.

There are many other Realms, which share characteristics with one another but also have unique qualities. The reason they are grouped (see [[The Otherplace]]) and [[Earth Realm]] is not, is because the rules of [[Magic]] differ significantly in [[Earth Realm]] when compared with the common rules of [[Magic]] in most if not all other realms. There are many speculated reasons for this, but no real definitive answer to the question "Why is [[Earth Realm]] different?" has ever been reached.
One man once described The [[Earth Realm]] as "mostly harmless". This is accurate, however [[The Fae]] would append "... and totally misguided at this point." to that statement and that too would be entirely accurate. Blissfully unaware of how close it came to destruction in around 2013 The [[Earth Realm]] trundles on in a bizarre situation in which the vast majority of its denizens are utterly miserable - it has been this way since the event the Fae call [[The Gift Given]] and this injustice is one they are sure to endeavor to correct now that [[The Return]] is underway.
The population of mostly [[Humans]] are largely unaware of anything to do with [[The Otherplace]] and go about their dull lives in such a fashion as to depress one another and form a covenant of self-subjugation. There are however some [[Sensitives]] who have developed a relationship with other forms of the creature and with [[The Otherplace]]. There are no official numbers for obvious reasons but broadly it breaks down as follows. In [The Earth Realm]] 1/5000 [[Human]] babies are born with the ability to become a [[Sensitive]] (through training, trauma, experience, luck, or combination of any of these). Of those 1 in 5000 most will not "make it"; they will hide from their abilities. Very few will accept and nurture them to any semblance of usefulness. Still, the potential is there were the construct of [[Human]] society alter to accommodate and not alienate such abilities.
For comparison around 1/10000 creatures in The [[Earth Realm]] have Fae Blood (they usually never even know unless subjected to [[The Right To Be]] - see, [[The Fae]] for more information on all of this). Around 1 of 100000 of those with Fae Blood are "true Fae" - that is to say "awake and active" as Fae and 1 in 10000 of those Fae are members (by blood, not opt-in) of [[The Aristocracy]] and a select few of those are Fae Kings and Queens. At the very top on the pyramid sit the High Kings and Queens who rule on [[The High Council]] (full name now is "The Concordian High Council" - they serve [[The God-Emperor]], when they are not plotting against one another in an almost playful way). Many "true Fae" are [[The Joined Fae]] often referred to a "Changelings" and they are multi-dimensional beings capable of existing in The [[Earth Realm]] and in [[The Near Umbra]] and even [[The Far Umbra]] at the same time - the higher up the "hierarchy" a Fae is, the easier multidimensional living becomes. As the numbers illustrate, Fae themselves in any form are rare, ranking Fae even more so by a huge degree, and High Kings and Queens are almost never seen in The [[Earth Realm]]. When they are, the [[Humans]] had better look busy. It is important to note that [[The Fae]] exist in a state of near-hive mind, they are in constant communication with each other - less through language, and more through portent and omen - a form of communication it is near impossible to convey to [[Humans]].
In terms of "other creatures" they do exist on The [[Earth Realm]]; [[Elementals]] hide still in deep dark forests, the oceans, and even within the flames of lit fires (although they rarely show themselves to [[Humans]], Demons and Angels are still battering holy shit out of one another for reasons they have both since long forgotten and tend to keep it under wraps and  off of the radar of [[The Fae]] and [[Humans]] alike.
The only creatures which no longer inhabit the [[Earth Realm]] are Dragons (some of whom do lurk in the [[Far Umbra]] still, but are very, very rare sights indeed), [[Shadow Dragons]] (the face and army of [[The Nothing]] have been eradicated from [[Earth Realm]] at this time and very, very few even survive in [[The Otherplace]] - there are presumably an infinite number lurking just outside [[The Concordian Barrier]] testing the defenses and waiting for a chance to invade once more though...) and [[Leviathon]] which appear to be, somehow and for reasons unknown, native to [[The Endless City]] and are only ever reported there; something which is a common occurrence at the time of writing.
==Travel Guide==
The Earth Realm Awaits: A Traveler’s Guide to the Ordinary and the Strange
Welcome to **The Earth Realm**, the most deceptively "normal" realm in *The Realms*. Don’t let the appearance of mundane cities, buzzing cars, and oblivious humans fool you—Earth is a realm of hidden magic, ancient practices, and growing fae influence. Whether you're a curious fae, a realm-hopper, or someone just passing through, **Faewave Escapades** and I, **Max Whimsy**, have the ultimate guide to help you navigate the mysteries of this seemingly ordinary world.
===The Mundane First Impression: Don’t Be Deceived===
At first glance, Earth Realm seems dull—skyscrapers, human tech, and busy streets dominate the landscape. Unlike the more fantastical places like **The Endless City** or **Wonderland**, Earth looks like a place where logic and technology reign supreme. But this “normalcy” is merely a mask. Beneath the surface, there is a network of ancient magic and deep connections to the fae realms, and as of late, the **House of the Rat** has been quietly expanding its influence in ways most humans are oblivious to.
===Voodoo: The Hidden Bridge Between Realms===
One of the most fascinating and potent crossovers between the Earth Realm and the fae realms is **Voodoo**. Practiced in select areas, especially places like **New Orleans**, **Haiti**, and parts of **West Africa**, Voodoo serves as a direct link between the magical and mundane. This spiritual tradition is deeply tied to the **Loa**, powerful spirits who operate much like fae royalty, channeling magic into the Earth Realm in ways that bypass human technology entirely.
For fae visitors, Voodoo is a familiar, yet uniquely human adaptation of magic. The **Loa** are not unlike fae lords, and practitioners often tap into energies that resemble faewave magic. Don’t be surprised if you find familiar forces guiding human rituals—you might even feel your own magic heightened in these spaces.
===Getting Around: The Human Tech Dilemma===
Earth’s human population relies almost entirely on technology, making travel both easier and trickier for fae visitors. For those used to using trods or magical portals, the Earth Realm might seem like a bit of a technological prison. The **VOCC Network**, while active, is often unstable in this realm. Human infrastructure doesn’t play nicely with fae magic, so while cars and planes may seem primitive, you’ll want to learn how to navigate them if you wish to blend in.
The **House of the Rat** has already begun to assert subtle control in some cities, especially within urban underworlds. As a visitor, keep a close eye on shady dealings—this house is skilled at manipulating through human greed and corruption. Certain routes may be blocked or even trapped by fae enchantments masquerading as human barriers.
===The Veil of Magic: Where to Find It===
Despite what it seems, Earth is full of magical places—if you know where to look. Ancient forests, mountain peaks, and sites like **Stonehenge** are known to act as conduits for fae energy. Beyond that, urban magic thrives in places like **New Orleans** and **Haiti**, where Voodoo traditions tap into the realms and the spirit world.
Many fae and magical beings hide in plain sight, blending into human society as artists, musicians, or occultists. In certain urban areas, fae-influenced factions operate in secret. The **House of the Rat** has been seen working through hidden channels, creating strongholds in criminal networks. So while Earth may seem like the least magical of the realms, it is an incubator for old, forgotten powers and new schemes alike.
===Beware the Tech Trap: Stay in the Shadows===
For those attuned to magic, Earth’s technology can pose an unexpected threat. Prolonged exposure to human devices—smartphones, computers, televisions—can sometimes interfere with fae magic. For visitors from the realms, Earth tech might even feel like a draining presence, siphoning energy from magical beings.
That said, if you’re planning to stay a while, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics of human technology, if only to avoid looking too out of place. However, don’t rely on it—your own magic will serve you better if you need to make a quick exit or avoid a conflict.
===Shifting Power: The House of the Rat’s Silent Invasion===
Recent years have seen a subtle yet undeniable push by the **House of the Rat** to expand their influence into the Earth Realm. Manipulating human crime rings, urban power struggles, and financial empires, the Queen of Rats and her agents have made their mark, carefully weaving fae magic into human politics. For travelers, this means that certain human authorities might already be under fae control. Stay sharp, especially in the shadier parts of cities where the Queen of Rats is known to operate.
===Final Thoughts: A Realm on the Verge===
The Earth Realm is at a crossroads, balancing between the mundane and the magical. Whether it’s the growing influence of the **House of the Rat** or the ancient rituals of Voodoo practitioners keeping the old magic alive, this realm is anything but ordinary. If you’ve come looking for an adventure or to feel the pulse of hidden magic, Earth is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered.
Max Whimsy 
Senior Travel Editor, Faewave Escapades 
“Earth: Where the magic is hidden, but never far.”

==Associated Endless Chronicles Shards==
==Associated Endless Chronicles Shards==
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/7qxJQh0QWnbUwvMQPRFTCn?si=e40b10c1e114488c| Level Up]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/55yoxm8QFyDR4zzYy0HSul?si=ef38baf1aafd4879| I Don't Know Why You Save Yourself]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/15EhmUBt5UXbuP8yehFP7T?si=24bbcd2750bf4a83| The Hope and Fear of Sunset light]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/4oAK7w7FIvVcM1dtKsfQCY?si=43c3e1c97a9a4e78| Push Back]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/66guGKCJ22h7HNDjQaQWDZ?si=02dcfb67cf714b0e| Burn It Down]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/6qQkzpCTpeAMvSMebGiqu6?si=8af1045252034093| Impermanece]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/1ok5E5QRahwYeHUkecz4Kj?si=61dfe93ef082485b| Somewhere Between Hope and Fear Is A Fire Inside]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/3XVJc7eQJ5MNJwDka51X85?si=86c55a25e1cd4c46| Failure to Influence]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/72wVLgMyei1M3cSE8hma7i?si=831af10a3c31411b| Broken]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/5eAKslr5Zyy6ZF0qwcRQB2?si=6542ec8298e34afb| In a Lonely World]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/2ravV4TURlBAnXTwFnKewf?si=2a690b4c83bc406e| Shadow King]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/2tcYl5e2OjUmhvJ2jRkQ37?si=a221d006490e4edd| Define Reality]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/0B5XAdpZmr8C1sqfdfFGVo?si=84e6bb068f5d4ae2| Graveyard]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/05QSTfeUolroetRtfeGduK?si=304740e4ece04ce2| Let's Die Tonight]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/5fvQDX15S9ignX0OhUqpNV?si=29f3b2ce0fb74470| The Prisoner]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/4RFDCdyLYK1ikY0Zxs96XY?si=30d73a06dcc84e38| We're All Mad Here]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/4wwyM8RP030KLvl0xYZ9UN?si=7ebc365433524e02| Artifact]
* [https://open.spotify.com/track/4iSafv3oRX3ycZ4UpvZsgN?si=1d7ab2bba651450a| Tormented]
===NFT Art===
* [https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/52026421495237307124508671678768982950120800692193749930383155245844313145345| We're Here Now]
* [https://www.endless-chronicles.com/art/ufo/| UFO Collection]
* [https://objkt.com/asset/hicetnunc/190455 Realmscape - Earth Realm (Still)]
* [https://objkt.com/asset/hicetnunc/190457 Realmscape - Earth Realm]
* [https://objkt.com/asset/KT1WRahzcJzSHrEMM1bMRVsBGtE2e8VtP4sh/51 Earth Realm]
* NA.
* [https://www.endless-chronicles.com/stories/Stories%20-%20Prologue/| Prologue (an Endless Chronicles Story)]
* [https://www.endless-chronicles.com/stories/Stories%20-%20Chronicle/| Chronicle (an Endless Chronicles Story)]
* [https://www.tengushee.com/txt/001-cyberpunk2015.txt| cyberpunk2015.txt]
* [https://www.tengushee.com/txt/010-renaissance.txt| renaissance.txt]
* [https://objkt.com/tokens/KT1GR4Y5JgrsBQQfobMueXiQje33TtdrBrgj/32 FAEWAVE ESCAPADES by Max Whimsy]
===Other Experiences===
* [https://www.cyberpunkonline.net| Cyberpunk Online]
* [https://twitter.com/IndigoReports| Project Indigo]
* [https://kingdomoffallentears.tumblr.com/| The Kingdom of Fallen Tears]
* [https://www.tengushee.com/poetry/| Poetry from Tengushee]

Latest revision as of 06:22, 16 September 2024


The Earth Realm is the realm where you are reading this. It is the realm where most Humans live and die.

There are many other Realms, which share characteristics with one another but also have unique qualities. The reason they are grouped (see The Otherplace) and Earth Realm is not, is because the rules of Magic differ significantly in Earth Realm when compared with the common rules of Magic in most if not all other realms. There are many speculated reasons for this, but no real definitive answer to the question "Why is Earth Realm different?" has ever been reached.


One man once described The Earth Realm as "mostly harmless". This is accurate, however The Fae would append "... and totally misguided at this point." to that statement and that too would be entirely accurate. Blissfully unaware of how close it came to destruction in around 2013 The Earth Realm trundles on in a bizarre situation in which the vast majority of its denizens are utterly miserable - it has been this way since the event the Fae call The Gift Given and this injustice is one they are sure to endeavor to correct now that The Return is underway.

The population of mostly Humans are largely unaware of anything to do with The Otherplace and go about their dull lives in such a fashion as to depress one another and form a covenant of self-subjugation. There are however some Sensitives who have developed a relationship with other forms of the creature and with The Otherplace. There are no official numbers for obvious reasons but broadly it breaks down as follows. In [The Earth Realm]] 1/5000 Human babies are born with the ability to become a Sensitive (through training, trauma, experience, luck, or combination of any of these). Of those 1 in 5000 most will not "make it"; they will hide from their abilities. Very few will accept and nurture them to any semblance of usefulness. Still, the potential is there were the construct of Human society alter to accommodate and not alienate such abilities.

For comparison around 1/10000 creatures in The Earth Realm have Fae Blood (they usually never even know unless subjected to The Right To Be - see, The Fae for more information on all of this). Around 1 of 100000 of those with Fae Blood are "true Fae" - that is to say "awake and active" as Fae and 1 in 10000 of those Fae are members (by blood, not opt-in) of The Aristocracy and a select few of those are Fae Kings and Queens. At the very top on the pyramid sit the High Kings and Queens who rule on The High Council (full name now is "The Concordian High Council" - they serve The God-Emperor, when they are not plotting against one another in an almost playful way). Many "true Fae" are The Joined Fae often referred to a "Changelings" and they are multi-dimensional beings capable of existing in The Earth Realm and in The Near Umbra and even The Far Umbra at the same time - the higher up the "hierarchy" a Fae is, the easier multidimensional living becomes. As the numbers illustrate, Fae themselves in any form are rare, ranking Fae even more so by a huge degree, and High Kings and Queens are almost never seen in The Earth Realm. When they are, the Humans had better look busy. It is important to note that The Fae exist in a state of near-hive mind, they are in constant communication with each other - less through language, and more through portent and omen - a form of communication it is near impossible to convey to Humans.

In terms of "other creatures" they do exist on The Earth Realm; Elementals hide still in deep dark forests, the oceans, and even within the flames of lit fires (although they rarely show themselves to Humans, Demons and Angels are still battering holy shit out of one another for reasons they have both since long forgotten and tend to keep it under wraps and off of the radar of The Fae and Humans alike.

The only creatures which no longer inhabit the Earth Realm are Dragons (some of whom do lurk in the Far Umbra still, but are very, very rare sights indeed), Shadow Dragons (the face and army of The Nothing have been eradicated from Earth Realm at this time and very, very few even survive in The Otherplace - there are presumably an infinite number lurking just outside The Concordian Barrier testing the defenses and waiting for a chance to invade once more though...) and Leviathon which appear to be, somehow and for reasons unknown, native to The Endless City and are only ever reported there; something which is a common occurrence at the time of writing.

Travel Guide

The Earth Realm Awaits: A Traveler’s Guide to the Ordinary and the Strange

Welcome to **The Earth Realm**, the most deceptively "normal" realm in *The Realms*. Don’t let the appearance of mundane cities, buzzing cars, and oblivious humans fool you—Earth is a realm of hidden magic, ancient practices, and growing fae influence. Whether you're a curious fae, a realm-hopper, or someone just passing through, **Faewave Escapades** and I, **Max Whimsy**, have the ultimate guide to help you navigate the mysteries of this seemingly ordinary world.

The Mundane First Impression: Don’t Be Deceived

At first glance, Earth Realm seems dull—skyscrapers, human tech, and busy streets dominate the landscape. Unlike the more fantastical places like **The Endless City** or **Wonderland**, Earth looks like a place where logic and technology reign supreme. But this “normalcy” is merely a mask. Beneath the surface, there is a network of ancient magic and deep connections to the fae realms, and as of late, the **House of the Rat** has been quietly expanding its influence in ways most humans are oblivious to.

Voodoo: The Hidden Bridge Between Realms

One of the most fascinating and potent crossovers between the Earth Realm and the fae realms is **Voodoo**. Practiced in select areas, especially places like **New Orleans**, **Haiti**, and parts of **West Africa**, Voodoo serves as a direct link between the magical and mundane. This spiritual tradition is deeply tied to the **Loa**, powerful spirits who operate much like fae royalty, channeling magic into the Earth Realm in ways that bypass human technology entirely.

For fae visitors, Voodoo is a familiar, yet uniquely human adaptation of magic. The **Loa** are not unlike fae lords, and practitioners often tap into energies that resemble faewave magic. Don’t be surprised if you find familiar forces guiding human rituals—you might even feel your own magic heightened in these spaces.

Getting Around: The Human Tech Dilemma

Earth’s human population relies almost entirely on technology, making travel both easier and trickier for fae visitors. For those used to using trods or magical portals, the Earth Realm might seem like a bit of a technological prison. The **VOCC Network**, while active, is often unstable in this realm. Human infrastructure doesn’t play nicely with fae magic, so while cars and planes may seem primitive, you’ll want to learn how to navigate them if you wish to blend in.

The **House of the Rat** has already begun to assert subtle control in some cities, especially within urban underworlds. As a visitor, keep a close eye on shady dealings—this house is skilled at manipulating through human greed and corruption. Certain routes may be blocked or even trapped by fae enchantments masquerading as human barriers.

The Veil of Magic: Where to Find It

Despite what it seems, Earth is full of magical places—if you know where to look. Ancient forests, mountain peaks, and sites like **Stonehenge** are known to act as conduits for fae energy. Beyond that, urban magic thrives in places like **New Orleans** and **Haiti**, where Voodoo traditions tap into the realms and the spirit world.

Many fae and magical beings hide in plain sight, blending into human society as artists, musicians, or occultists. In certain urban areas, fae-influenced factions operate in secret. The **House of the Rat** has been seen working through hidden channels, creating strongholds in criminal networks. So while Earth may seem like the least magical of the realms, it is an incubator for old, forgotten powers and new schemes alike.

Beware the Tech Trap: Stay in the Shadows

For those attuned to magic, Earth’s technology can pose an unexpected threat. Prolonged exposure to human devices—smartphones, computers, televisions—can sometimes interfere with fae magic. For visitors from the realms, Earth tech might even feel like a draining presence, siphoning energy from magical beings.

That said, if you’re planning to stay a while, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics of human technology, if only to avoid looking too out of place. However, don’t rely on it—your own magic will serve you better if you need to make a quick exit or avoid a conflict.

Shifting Power: The House of the Rat’s Silent Invasion

Recent years have seen a subtle yet undeniable push by the **House of the Rat** to expand their influence into the Earth Realm. Manipulating human crime rings, urban power struggles, and financial empires, the Queen of Rats and her agents have made their mark, carefully weaving fae magic into human politics. For travelers, this means that certain human authorities might already be under fae control. Stay sharp, especially in the shadier parts of cities where the Queen of Rats is known to operate.

Final Thoughts: A Realm on the Verge

The Earth Realm is at a crossroads, balancing between the mundane and the magical. Whether it’s the growing influence of the **House of the Rat** or the ancient rituals of Voodoo practitioners keeping the old magic alive, this realm is anything but ordinary. If you’ve come looking for an adventure or to feel the pulse of hidden magic, Earth is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

Max Whimsy Senior Travel Editor, Faewave Escapades “Earth: Where the magic is hidden, but never far.”

Associated Endless Chronicles Shards




  • NA.


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