Lilith The Rebel

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Dysnomia is the Daughter of Eris and the 'God of Lawlessness'. Like her mother, she is a Fae High Queen of long-standing and a member of the Concordian High Council. Previous to Concordia during the Forever War (The Endless War of Seasons Lilith was of The Unseelie Court. She has gone by many names over many eons including but not limited to; 'The Ice Queen', 'The White Witch', 'The White Queen', and 'The Goblin Queen'. Her role is that of the primary herald of her mother Eris - although on top of this Dysnomia often see's herself as an outcast playing this role well in The Era of Concordia she has styled herself as the "the last challenger" to the Concordian Empires statement that "it will have no enemies" - Lilith launched a brief rebellion against The God-Emperor before joining the Empire in a very efficient show of strength to the other Fae Houses which cemented her place in the hierarchy and pageant of The Shadow Order.

Despite her rebellious nature, or perhaps because of it, Lilith is a truly great general and warrior and arguably supersedes The Raven's abilities on the battlefield in many if not all types of warfare. She leads "The Host of The White Witch" which is a defacto Fae great house by reputation and force of arms alone.


Lilith is old - one of the true ancient powers - but chooses to appear young one hundred percent of the time. A fitting description of Lilith is thus; "she is resplendent. Unable to be any other way. She wore white boots, large dark sunglasses and a white flowing dress that seemed to follow movement patterns in the light breeze pre-programmed to enhance her dramatic presence and general attractiveness. She is both utterly alien and devastatingly beautiful all at once." (paraphrased from 'The Fat Farm').

In terms of her general demeanor, she is harsh, sharp, and brutal. She has very little time for non-Fae and regards anything less than Fae Royalty as wholly expendable - it is not clear if she has always felt this way or if this attitude is a result of The War in The Dreaming (or even The Gift Given, she is old enough to still hold that as a personal grudge).

Lilith's actions during The War in The Dreaming are likewise unclear - it is thought, and very probable, that she fought alongside her mother in the deeper umbra away from the more famous battles (or at least those which are famous in The Endless City). Lilith was not present at The Battle of Lorean (nor was Eris) but it is known that both The House of Eris and The Host of The White Witch scored sizable victories against The Nothing during the war and were fully signed up as part of The Treaty and have been loyal to The God-Emperor for some time (maybe even before The Treaty).

Before The War in The Dreaming at some stage Dysnomia occupied and or fought for control of Wonderland as 'The White Queen' - as both Lord Echo (a servant of her mother) and The Queen of Rats (not) have also held Wonderland at one stage or another it is safe to assume that Dysnomia was dethroned by The Queen of Rats in the present epoch and or uncharacteristically let down by Lord Echo during this conflict resulting in The City of Hearts being under the strict control of The House of the Rat at this time.

Lilith represents royalty from one of the "deep Fae houses"; those not initially tasked with operations around The Endless City but who began to surface some time after. It is clear that any incursion by Fae Blackmetal forces into Earth Realm would be led by Dysnomia as of 2022 - although no official decree about this has been issued.

The Goblin Queen is an agent of chaos and rightfully both feared and adored by all who lay eyes on her.

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