The Jade Empire

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The Jade Empire (sometimes called The Jade Kingdom) is the Land of the Dead. Dead of all species still maintain a level of existence here, although not a pleasant one. Living creatures rarely even attempt to travel here although it is possible that trods exist to do so. It is possible to summon souls from The Jade Empire although often ill-advised (souls lose coherency over time, mentally and physically - what you summon may not be what you expect in any way). Technically The God-Emperor has domain here as he has domain over everything within the Concordian Barrier - however there is no known literature, chronicle, or shard in which The God-Emperor has advocated or actually communicated with The Jade Empire beyond a single meeting with The Dead Queen just before he conjured The Concordian Barrier into existence - it is either that he has little interest in it, or that he has little power over it. No one has ever asked the question. It is rumoured that one could bypass the Concordian Barrier via The Jade Empire but this is speculative as no one has ever returned from the few attempts there have been and likewise, no forces of The Nothing have ever entered The Grand Empire of Concordia's other Realms via The Jade Empire. It is important to note that not all deaths result in souls being transported to The Jade Empire - often they are reincarnated to Earth Realm immediately or transported to The Endless City or any one of a million other realms. Falling into The Jade Empire should be considered the "Final Death" from which there is no return.


The Jade Empire is the realm of death and the afterlife. This Empire within an Empire governs the passage between life and death, and its influence extends across multiple realms (probably all the realms under the Concordian Barrier). Steeped in ancient ressruection rituals, the Jade Empire is both feared and revered, acting as the final stop for many souls after their mortal lives end (or more accruately are put on ice by the Queen).

The Jade Empire functions as a critical force in maintaining the balance between life and death across the Endless Chronicles universe. The Dead Queen’s power over death is absolute — no soul enters or leaves without her say, and resurrection within her realm is impossible without her intervention. Throughout Fae history, the Jade Empire has played a pivotal role during times of great conflict, particularly during the War in the Dreaming, when its ressurection corridor was used to replenish Fae forces throughout. Ironically the Fae the Dead Queen cannot ressurect or restore are those killed with the powerful exoctic Death Magic of Gemini or those who have become completely undone by exposure to the energies of The Nothing (such as The Lord of Dwarves).

As a brief aside, it is unknown why The Dead Queen did not ressurect Indigo before The War in The Dreaming as it was seemingly in her power to do so.

It'd be fair to state that The Dead Queen is more accurately the Queen of Restoration, Ressurection ​and Purgatory.

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