The Endless City

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Communications and travel hub for the empire.


The Endless City is a sprawling mass of indeterminate size resembling a near-future city to the eyes of souls from the Earth Realm filled with neon lights and, dark streets and all the vices associated. On the surface that is what it is - a vast future city. Beneath the surface, however, it is so much more. It is a place of change, which changes. From day to day, even moment to moment the layout and organization - the very structure of the city can change. These can even be a matter of subjective perspective, the center of the City, characterized by "Imperial Square (complete with looming statue of The God-Emperor and vast Titan-Tron screen as well as the immediate area around the square (including the legendary "Admiral's Arms" club, unofficially the headquarters of The Cartel) are the only constants. All else is subject to change - and does change.

People and creatures, especially upon arrival to the city, often forget who they are - a kind of permeating "brain fog" exists as a city defense mechanism - when first visited it feels like a dream, the more one visits the less so. It is said this is akin to earning a kind of security clearance by grinding participation in the city and its whims. Creatures are still aware of underlying goals and will go about them but it often takes time for people to remember the reasoning behind what they are doing; months, years... decades. A soul can easily become lost in The Endless City. It is indeed a place for the lost to linger.

It is very important to understand that the city exists in The Near Umbra it is very, very close to Earth Realm - much closer than any other realm which is part of The Otherplace has ever been, a mere moment through The Veil will land someone in the Endless City; confused, alone and vulnerable. Additionally The Endless city

At present, four great Fae Houses actively operate in the city; The Host of the Raven (who act as both an Imperial garrison and expeditionary force for The Searching, under the direction of The Raven who is sworn to the Queen of Rats]], The Order of Echo (a sinister semi-religious group), The Cult of The Fox (on the surface a violent pleasure cult) and the House of the Rat (the only house in the City led by a member of the Concordian High Council, and herself a Sidhe High Queen of old; The Queen of Rats). The hierarchy of these houses is complex but broadly speaking The House of The Rat has dominion in The Endless City by direct authority of The God-Emperor and The Raven, and his Host army have sworn allegiance to the House of The Rat at the best of The-God Emperor himself. The other houses, although powerful, are not in command.

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