The Queen of Rats

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The Queen of Rats (also known as the Queen of Hearts, The Princess of Fallen Tears etc.) is a member of The High Council, a known friend and ally of The God-Emperor since long before the War in the Dreaming (perhaps even as far back as The Age of Magic), the head of The House of the Rat and the single most powerful entity other than The God-Emperpor openly active after The War in the Dreaming. Even Lord Echo appears to give her a wide berth (it is rumoured that at some stage in the distant past The Queen actually conquered Wonderland and took control from Lord Echo during either a personal spat or as some action in a past inter-Fae war; this is not brought up in polite conversation or at court and so cannot be confirmed). She is currently the ruler of both The Endless City and The City of Hearts at the behest of The God-Emperor (having "relieved" The Raven of his dominion of The Endless City by rescuing him from a large assault on the city by Rebels and then simply never leaving (he vowed allegiance on sight as it happens, it was a deal done "in the moment" he first laid eyes on her - a not uncommon reaction to the presence of a Sidhe High Queen).

She appears to have arrived in The War in the Dreaming at the same time as The God-Emperor. It is unknown which Fae court she was aligned to, if any, prior to The War in the Dreaming. Given that The Raven and Lord Echo were well-known supporters of The Shadow Court and were not aligned to the Queen during The War in the Dreaming it is probably that her allegiance was with either The Seelie Court or the Unseelie Court - we may never know for sure. The Queen was aligned to The Treaty during the later days of The War in the Dreaming but was conspicuously absent at all the major (recorded) battles.


The Queen currently takes the form of a slim, short, but iconically beautiful human woman with short black hair (although doubtlessly has taken many other forms during her time, and may well continue to do so). She is very quiet in demeanour (although it rumoured she does have both a wicked sense of humour and a compassionate side) and usually speaks through various nameless emissaries (even when physically present). The Queen rarely interacts directly with anyone - although she can assert herself through The Fae hive mind like psychic "communication network" with alarming strength when she wishes to speak to someone directly "without talking". Her army consists of horrific "rat cubes" (literal cubes of live rats which can reach 20m in height) and more standard forces too (armed and equipped appropriately for whichever realm they are currently occupying). As far as The Fae historic records (those that have survived at least) show, The Queen is undefeated in battle (or indeed, single combat) for as long as she has been important enough to record. She currently resides in The Endless City and is previously believed to have made a home in the City of Hearts deep within the Wonderland realm. It is of note that she was never seen in The Forest City of Lorean before its destruction and was not present at the Battle of Lorean (unlike so many other important figures). Where she was, and what she was doing at that time is a mystery.

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