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Arcadia is the lost and destroyed original home of the Fae. Once a paradise of magical beauty, Arcadia existed before time was recorded in the Fae realms. It was the birthplace of the Fae and the source of their deepest connection to magic. However, Arcadia was destroyed when The Adversary invaded, forcing the Fae to flee and seek refuge in other realms, most notably the Otherside. Though it has been lost for eons, the memory of Arcadia lingers within every Fae, embedded into their collective hive mind. Even after The War in the Dreaming, many Fae continue to believe Arcadia is still reachable, though a few know the true extent of its destruction - characterised by being the strongest and the maddest as this knowledge comes with a horrible price to Fae.


Arcadia is more than just a lost homeland to the Fae—it's an eternal ache in their very essence. Destroyed during the Fae's flight from The Adversary, the realm itself no longer exists, and even the Trods (pathways to Arcadia) lie outside the Concordian Barrier, rendering it completely inaccessible. The destruction of Arcadia has left a lasting scar on the Fae. They are forever drawn to an idea of "home" they can never return to, a longing that defines much of Fae psychology.

Though the Fae now reside across multiple realms, including the Otherside, the Umbra, and the Earth Realm, they cannot escape the overpowering pull of their lost home. This deep sense of loss is shared across the Fae Hive, a psychic connection that binds all Fae. Each Fae, no matter where they are, feels a persistent echo of this longing from their kin, making the desire for Arcadia’s return a near-constant presence. For the Fae, Arcadia represents both their origin and the unattainable—a place that shaped them but is forever out of reach. This internal conflict fuels many of their struggles, both internally and externally, as they grapple with their need to reclaim what was lost, even though it is beyond recovery.

Despite the truth of Arcadia’s destruction, many Fae still cling to the hope that it can be found or restored. This hope, often fueled by the more ancient and powerful Fae, sometimes drives younger generations into fruitless searches for their long-lost home, leading to further heartbreak as they encounter the full weight of its destruction. Arcadia's loss also explains the intense emotional bonds and communal experiences the Fae share, as they are forever searching for a home they can never reclaim.

Some Fae continue fruitless searches for Arcadia, believing in the possibility of its restoration, though most know that it is irretrievably lost. Its destruction has not only removed a physical home but has also left a spiritual void within the Fae, influencing their politics, culture, and even their relations with other beings across the realms. The constant pull towards what was, and what will never be again, defines the core of Fae existence, making them creatures forever in exile—even when surrounded by realms they call home.

One of the earliest and most significant missions of The Searching was to locate a Trod that could lead back to Arcadia (a staggering amount of Shadow Court energy had gone into locating what they believed to be such a place), the long-lost home of the Fae. The Raven, driven by the relentless yearning shared by all Fae and direct orders from the God Emperor, embarked on this perilous journey. The cost was immense — countless Fae lives were lost (most were elite heroes of the War in The Dreaming), and vast resources were spent in the effort. His path was blocked by a powerful human mage who had constructed an immense labyrinth around the final, fragile Trod to Arcadia. After a brutal and exhausting battle, The Raven reached the dying portal, only to witness the devastation of Arcadia—a realm long destroyed, glimpsed for mere moments through the fading light before the portal died. It was the last time Arcadia was ever seen, sealing its fate as a memory, forever out of reach. This knowledge is largely kept secret, or played off as myth so as to not destroy Fae morale but sources closeest to the Shadow Court confirm it is the real sequence of events.

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